Sunday, July 18, 2010

Other Blogs: A Friend in Eire

This is my blog friend Mapstew, or Map for short. He lives in Limerick, Ireland, except Limerick doesn’t have the Eiffel Tower. Paris, France has the Eiffel Tower, and that was where Map happened to be for the photo: on vacation with his family. (Nevertheless, I bet there aren't many Limerickians who have the Eiffel Tower growing out of their heads.)

For those of you who don’t know him, Map is a musician and makes his living playing in a band. He often blogs in the wee hours of the morning after a pint or two, when he surfs YouTube to match both his mood and his encyclopedic knowledge of music new and old.

Well Map did a really neat thing the other day. He knows I’m a big fan of traditional Celtic music—the songs, the performers, the instruments—and he chose a 1982 video by a group named De Dannen. The lass with the VOICE is Maura (maw rah) O'Connell, and the song is “Irish Molly”. Irish and Molly, our two little hounds. Rather ingenious, even if Maura isn’t singing about my critters.

Thanks, Map, for thinking about me, Martha, and the dogs.

And if you do a gig in Cork, ask for the Callaghans in the audience. They're probably all cheap bastards like I am, but one might be good enough to stand you a pint.

Damn, I like this song!


Ponita in Real Life said...

That Map guy is a good egg, isn't he, Charlie? He's very much a good friend of mine too. So happy that you are doing better and back in the blogosphere! xoxo

Charlie said...

PONITA: What? No comment on her dress? Or did you get that out of your system on Map's blog?

mapstew said...

You make a man blush charles! :¬)

Ponita in Real Life said...

Charlie, I had my say at Map's place regarding the 'camo' dress! *shudders*

Oh hai, Map!!!!

Wandering Coyote said...

Ah...the dress. Better keep my mouth shut.

I love Irish & Celtic music, too. My parents were huge fans of The Irish Rovers so we listened to them a lot. You might like a group called Clannad; they do traditional stuff, often in Gaelic, and more modern-ish Celtic stuff I really like.

Madame DeFarge said...

A most fine chap. So glad to have to you back amongst us and keeping us in check.

hope said...

As we say around these parts, "Map is good people."

Which is why he's hanging around with you, dear Charlie. Hope you're feeling better, bit by bit.

[And NO, I'm not wondering which bits are progressing faster than others] ;)

savannah said...

LOVE the music! we're all better because of our friends, sugarpie! i know i am because of all y'all! xoxoxoxoxox

(i'm so glad y'all are back!)

CiCi said...

Awww, that was nice of Map to send this to you. No wonder you like it, hard to sit still and listen and watch.

Bill Lisleman said...

charlie you probably notice that youtube has the verse posted.

"I'm fairly off my trolley, my Irish Molly when you are near"

Charlie don't be falling off any trolley now you need to rest a little.

kara said...

so glad you're back, charlie. so glad.

Robert the Skeptic said...

Apparently we have relatives still back on the Ol' Sod somewhere around county Sligo. Been planning on going there someday - already seen the Eiffel tower.

Pat said...

'Good egg' has been used dammit but he is a really nice man.

Attila the Mom said...

Oh, that's really lovely!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Great video! She actually rocks that mullet very well too!

Manda said...

Hi Charlie,

Interseting post. The song is beautiful. That certainly is nice of your friend to send it to you. You sure do have a lot of interesting blog friends.

Hugs and blessings,